We return to Minto to celebrate downtown success!

Town of Minto revitalization

Four years ago we travelled to the Town of Minto, Ontario (Clifford, Harriston, and Palmerston) where we spent four days visiting each downtown, leading walkabouts, and making presentations to inspire the communities and downtowns about how to create momentum and accelerate revitalization.

Looking back, we could sense the enthusiasm for doing and change. We knew great things would happen. And they certainly have.

When we visited four years ago, we presented a path to success that didn’t start with mega grants or grandiose plans or reports destined to sit on a shelf. Ever since, the towns of Minto have been turning heads with their actions on public art, street enhancements, events galore, street markets, and way more.

In September 2022, Minto held a celebration event to mark the dramatic changes. Minto invited Your Town Rising back to see the progress in each town and make a presentation about next steps. We spent most of the day walking the downtowns, spur-of-the-moment chats with shop keepers, and snapping photos of the many things that caught our eyes. In the evening we presented a next steps roadmap that builds on what the towns of Clifford, Harriston and Palmerston have already started. Our presentation was full of specific ideas to Minto that would further complement and grow its branding even more as the family friendly community.

How remarkable has Minto’s progress been in such a short time? Well, the following day after our presentation, a tour was to arrive from another community to learn about how Minto did it. And best of all, Minto is not done. Some stuff is still a work in progress. And we just know that this community of doers will get it done. Soon.